liberty at work

Protecting Employee Freedom

The Center for Independent Employees (CIE) is a 501(c)(3) legal defense foundation that provides free legal representation and aid to independent employees who are opposed to union oppression in their workplaces.

Experience That Wins

Our team has a long track record of vetting cases and knowing the issues.

By The Numbers

See how our work is protecting employee freedom in a union-driven climate.

Success Stories

Meet the loyal, hardworking people disenfranchised by coercive union power and abuses who teamed up with CIE to create change.

“I would like to thank the CIE team for responding to our call for help. Without them, we would have been unable to move forward with our goal to decertify. We would still be trapped in a situation we desperately wanted out of. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”

— Kathie Fields, CIE Client & Case Petitioner

“Most labor lawyers work for companies and unions, but CIE works for the people.”

— Michael A. Caldwell, CIE Attorney


Feel free to contact us with any questions.

(800) 797-4502

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